westbournegrove dental
  • Westbourne Grove Dental,
    18 Chepstow Corner,
    Pembridge Villas,
    W2 4XE


Lumecca is one of the most powerful intense pulsed lights (IPL) to treat pigmented and vascular lesions.

It helps improve skin tone and decrease hyperpigmentation (dark spots) caused by sun and aging, rosacea and even acne.

Following treatment, the overall look of the skin is more even and radiant. Patients felt the difference only after a single appointment.


Seeing your Westbourne Grove Dental practitioner on a regular basis means that all your dental questions will be answered and any problem areas will be thoroughly examined. We pride ourselves in getting to know our patients and their dental needs, and by seeing us regularly we can build a good general picture of your oral health.


We are able to create a subtle yet effective change to your appearance, rejuvenating your skin and eradicating wrinkles. Our Treatments can be used to address many issues, such as to tackle lines on the forehead, frown lines, crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes and lines above the lips.